Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Things are getting hectic

Ayyyyyyyy. So things are getting a bit hectic around here. I have a quiz later today at 3pm, a quiz next tuesday, a quiz on Monday for sociology (the book I have yet to read). And I have my GRE's this Saturday so I really need to review and prepare for them. It's just overwhelming. I think I can hopefully use Wednesday to get some practice in. And I'm done Friday's homework for one class but oy I still have homework due for kinetics which I haven't started. This sucks. And it's already 12:33am right now so I will go to bed by 1pm hopefully and wake up tired and be tired all day and stay up all night trying to finish kinetics and then wake up dreadfully early for work on Thursday and this is the cycle. Then I have choir Thursday night so I really don't get a break. Oy. I think I will do some GRE stuff right now for like 20 minutes just to make myself feel that more prepared.

It's gettin hectic up in here, up in here.

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