Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Too much Effort

I'm basically done . . . with making all the effort. I've used this year to reflect on things and the ultimate conclusion is that people are basically selfish. They take and take and take until you have nothing left to give. And I love to give, but I'm not a rag that you can squeeze. So I'm done. I'm done making all the effort, initating all the conversations, done caring about your problems, when the minute everything is going right for you forget about me; can't even ask me how my day is going. And I thought it was my imagination and that maybe I was being harsh, but nope, after waiting months it's as clear as day. Everyone is concerned with their own little self-bubble. And when they need help or want a favor they are as nice as can be. Once they get what they want good luck even borrowing a bead of sweat.

This social network age doesn't help - being bombarded with facebook updates that I could care less about (like 'I broke a nail') almost makes you immune to news; that even when you hear of good things going on in the world you are just on information overload. So I've learned to delete people, because I don't need to be facebook friends with everyone, not the acquaintances who hardly talk to me, or the people you meet once at a party. We've just gotten so used to being in the know. Well maybe I don't want to know what you are doing if you don't care enough to ask me what I'm doing.

Life is too short to waste effort on people or things that are counterproductive.
'Never make someone your priority when you are their option' (someone).

I'm done making YOU my priority. I love doing it, but all I am is an occassional optional if you are bored, so yeah, no more miss nice girl!


  1. loved this. I learned this lesson a while ago. I let go of a significant amount of relationships in the process but luckily GOD restored me with new and real people and friendships and a love of my OWN life. Without the need of having others I can now just freely enjoy my time alone. Although I am not perfect and still sometimes want to be around others I have come very far in the last two years! thank you for sharing and don't grow weary of doing WHAT IS RIGHT! but remember your worth and that nobody has the right to take advantage of you!


  2. I totally agree with you...:)

  3. hey melis,

    i agree with this post - there are a lot of ppl out there who just use you. and honestly, at the end of the day, most people are primarily concerned with what's best for them.

    it's a hard fact to learn - but an important one b/c it helps with the filtration process :)

    anyways - i come home a lot, and i'm maybe 40 min from edison so we should try to meet up!!!! maybe during my winter break? holler at me or i will :)

  4. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Great post. Although it's filled with frustration and anger, I get the impression that you found a sense of contentment / relief by deleting 'part-time' FB friends, etc. I salute you!

  5. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Hi...I'm new to your page

    I am where you are now. I am just now finding the strenght to leave a relationship in which I so loved this person but HAD to realize I was being used. And yes, it hurts, and I want to say that I will never love again. but i know its just like Madame X said, I just need a better filtration process to help me weed out the unwanted.

    Peace and Thanksgiving

  6. Life today moves at a tremendous pace.That's why it is important to set aside a few moment now and think about where you are going,your hopes and dreams.I have read your story about "Journey Called Life" ;good stuff.
    Ahead is a beautiful world,receive it as a gift and move on,it is a journey.
    The perfect man is one who is not abased by tribulations; but speedily gets into the wisdom of God for a new dawn.I don't know what tribulations you maybe into.But I am here as God's servant to tell you it is alright.Life as God has given it to us is beautiful.I have a few more words for you on my blogspot at :
    Everything is programmed that today I shall be meeting with you.This is God's mandate,it doesn't fail.I am praying for you;all your plans will God approve for your own personal joy,and for His own glory and majesty in Jesus Name.Amen.

  7. Great feedback! Yup, it's time to learn to let go of worries and ideas that I am in control. Not my battle to fight, this one.
