I was just reading Jasmin's Xanga and she talked about risks: calculate, educated risks. It's an interesting topic. A lot of times we go through life taking the safe road, afraid of the unknown. But how do you feel about taking risks? Frankly, I am scared to death of jumping into the lake without knowing what depth it is. But that would be a stupid risk. Examples of educated, calculated risks: Telling someone how you feel when they may not say the same, turning down a job offer in hopes of a better job, turning down money for a job that doesn't make you happy, standing up to your boss when he or she is in the wrong, arguing a grade with a teacher who you need to write a recommendation for you, speaking up for yourself when you are the only one who feels that way, and so on. But the thing is - as scared as we may be, as scared as I get, in taking these risks - it feels good when all is said and done. When I was at camp we had to climb a 40ft tree and walk across a wire to the other tree and climb back down. I am afraid of heights. It was one of the scariest things I had ever done, but I did it and I was so proud of myself. It was like an episode of fear factor. You were in control on deciding if you would let your fear stop you from even trying. At a different camp, before I learned to swim, they made us jump into water that was 12 ft deep. I had a life jacket on but I was sweating bullets. I prayed and jumped in. I did not like it - but you know what I'm kinda glad I did it. Then there are the funny risks (Ra knows about this one). I didn't want to go on a rollercoaster - it did loops, went backwards, and was basically scary. But said person dragged me along because they really wanted to ride it and they didn't want to ride alone. I started crying before the thing even took off and then, as I wiped my tears, a smile appeared on my face and I said "Wow, that was fun." The main thing is just having the guts to try.
See the thing with a risk is - you don't have to do it. There is always that space where you can hesitate, pause some more, and if you are really frightened, back out. But once you back out you are left wondering what would have happened. That is what makes it a risk. And you will never know the outcome of the unchosen choice. That is the scary part.
So I say - live a little, take some chances. But please be safe and don't do anything stupid.
My quote of the day: "Sometimes we think we are on the path alone. But remember that there are many parallel roads that lead to the same place. So just look over your shoulder - you're not alone after all."